Interim Policy on Revised Position Titles and Unit Names Due to Reorganization August 1, 2021

Adopted by President’s Cabinet 4/17/18; 8/24/21

This policy is intended to provide interim guidance and direction regarding recent changes in position titles and unit names. The interim guidance will remain in place until replaced or revoked.

East Georgia State College conducted a reorganization of Academic and Student Affairs as part of a budget reduction plan for FY 21 and FY22. The plan was effective July 1, 2021 for Student Affairs and August 1, 2021 for Academic Affairs.  As a result of the reorganization, various position titles and unit names were revised:

Academic Affairs

    • The School of Humanities and Social Sciences and the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences were merged to form the School of Liberal Arts, Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The former Dean of the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences leads the combined schools under the new position title “Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.” The position of the Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and the position of the Dean of the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences were eliminated.
    • Department Chair positions in Biology and Mathematics were eliminated.
    • The Campus Coordinator – Statesboro position was eliminated and a new position Campus Coordinator-Augusta/Statesboro was created.
    • A new position “Associate Vice President for Data Analytics and Retention” was created.

Student Affairs

    • The Student Life Unit was eliminated and the Director of Student Life position was eliminated.
    • The Title IX Coordinator position was combined with the Director of Student Conduct position for a new position “Associate Vice President for Student Conduct and Title IX."

All EGSC policies, committees, webpages, documents, signage and other materials will be revised over the next several months. In the interim, unless expressly stated otherwise, the following rules of interpretation and substitution will apply:

Academic Affairs:

Current Reference Interpretation and Substitution as of August 1, 2021
School of Humanities and Social Sciences School of Liberal Arts, Mathematics and Natural Sciences
School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences School of Liberal Arts, Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dean of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Chair, Biology Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Chair, Mathematics Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Campus Coordinator - Statesboro Campus Coordinator - Augusta/Statesboro

Student Affairs:

Current Reference Interpretation and Substitution as of July 1, 2021
Director of Student Life Associate Vice President for Student Conduct and Title IX
Director of Student Conduct Associate Vice President for Student Conduct and Title IX
Title IX Coordinator Associate Vice President for Student Conduct and Title IX
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Associate Vice President for Academic and Enrollment Management (if Financial Aid, Counseling oversight function)
Associate Vice President for Student Conduct and Title IX (if Student Life Function)
Diversity and Inclusion Director of Human Resources