Approved by APCC 6/27/21; Faculty Senate 7/23/21; President 9/16/21; and Cabinet 10/10/23

The president of East Georgia State College may, at his or her discretion, confer the title of emeritus or emerita on a retired faculty member or administrative officer who, at the time of retirement, has garnered ten or more years of honorable and distinguished service to East Georgia State College. This is in accordance with the University System of Georgia Board of Regents Academic Affairs Policy 4.5.4 Guidelines for Awarding Emeritus/Emerita Status:

Teaching faculty members will, if awarded, receive emeritus or emerita status according to their rank at retirement.

The emeritus or emerita designation is added only to the most senior administrative title held at East Georgia State College prior to retirement (e.g., AVP Emeritus). The emeritus or emerita designation is not awarded for administrative titles held on an "acting" or "interim" basis.

Emeritus or Emerita status is not guaranteed and will not be awarded to part-time faculty members or administration or to members of the faculty and administration who have been terminated for cause.

The College president will base his or her decision upon the recommendation of the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, AVP Academics, three (3) letters of recommendation, and a one-page summary of the following:

    • Meritorious service to East Georgia State College, and
    • Notable career performance at East Georgia State College.

The President will make the final approval decision.

If an Emeritus or Emerita title is granted, the president will send notification to the applicant.

Procedure - Applicant or Nominee

      1. Thirty (30) calendar days prior to the official retirement date, the candidate seeking the emeritus or emerita title shall submit the Recommendation for Award of Emeritus or Emerita Status form and submit it to his or her AVP. Another employee in the same unit may, with the candidate's consent, nominate an employee for emeritus or emerita status.
      2. The Recommendation for Award of Emeritus or Emerita Status form must be accompanied by a one­ page description summarizing the candidate's accomplishments at East Georgia State College, written by the candidate's AVP, a current vita, and three (3) letters of recommendation from peer colleagues.
      3. The AVP Academics will review all materials submitted and indicate his or her recommendation. The chair has fifteen (15) calendar days to forward the form, the summary of the candidate's accomplishments, and vita to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs (VPASA).
      4. The VPASA has fifteen {15) calendar days to forward all recommendation materials to the president for final action.
      5. The president will convey his or her decision to the candidate no later than two months after the initial request date.

Benefits of Emeritus or Emerita Status

      1. Invitation to participate in public ceremonies of the College, including commencement and select College functions
      2. Inclusion in the faculty listing in the College Catalog
      3. Emeritus or Emerita photo identification card
      4. Admission to campus events with emeritus or emerita identification card
      5. Full library privileges, using Emeritus or Emerita identification card, including borrowing rights and interlibrary loan privileges
      6. Emeritus or Emerita business cards, with approval from the AVP and budget allowing

Recommendation for Award of Emeritus or Emerita Status (PDF)