Approved by President’s Cabinet 8/9/23 


Student Contraband: any item or items under the control or possession of a student on the EGSC Campus and which are prohibited by EGSC policy and/or the Student Code of Conduct, and/or Federal, State, or Local laws.

Authorized Shipper: any person or individual who is at least 21 years of age designated in writing on EGSC’s Authorized Shipper form and given express permission by a Student Respondent to remove and/or dispose of items as the designee sees fit. Authorized Shippers are responsible for all costs of shipping and may make a final determination as to the disposal or removal of any items belonging to the Student Respondent.

Student: includes all persons admitted to and actively engaged at EGSC. This includes, but is not limited to, part-time, full-time, online, residential, commuter, and dual-enrolled students.

Student Conduct Process:  the process of how major and/or minor violations of the Student Code of Conduct are resolved.

Student Respondent: includes all students who are alleged to have violated EGSC policy and/or the Student Code of Conduct, and/or Federal, State, or Local laws.

Campus Community Member:  any person enrolled or employed by or visiting EGSC, including students, faculty, staff, administrators, and employees, and recognized affiliated entities including EGSC Foundations, Student Organizations, EGSC Departments, and Official Volunteers, and visitors to the campus.

Campus Premises: all land, buildings, facilities, and other property in the possession of or owned, used, contracted with, or controlled by the Campus (including adjacent streets and sidewalks).


    1. When a Campus Community Member reports the presence of a prohibited item of student contraband discovered on campus premises and that may pose harm or endanger the safety of the campus community, the Office of Student Conduct will take receipt of all items that are legal to possess.
    2. All illegal items that may constitute criminal offenses will be turned over to the EGSC Police Department.
    3. Student Respondents will be notified by EGSC email of an inventory of such items, which will be held in a locked location until any associated Conduct Process has been completed.
    4. Items will be available for review by a Conduct Officer and/or a Hearing Panel, as well as the Student Respondent.
    5. Following a determination of responsibility, the student will be notified of a deadline no less than 30 open-campus days from the date of the notice of decision to collect any contraband which can be legally possessed in the State of Georgia and Emanuel County.
    6. Should a student fail to collect these items or to designate an Authorized Shipper to do so on their behalf prior to the deadline, the College will consider such items as abandoned property. Student Conduct will then dispose of or donate to charity any items that remain.