Adopted by President’s Cabinet 4/26/16
10.1 Registrar – Record Retention, Storage, and Disposal of Student Enrollment and Academic Achievement Records
The Office of the Registrar shall retain un-scanned Banner Xtender hardcopy documents in a secured, fireproof area all records applicable to student enrollment and academic achievement. The Scanning and Indexing Unit of Enrollment Management assumes the responsibility of creating an electronic image of all incoming documents submitted by students to the Admissions, Financial Aid and Records Offices. These documents are maintained in the Banner Xtender document system and retained indefinitely. The Office of the Registrar retains electronic images including but not limited to the following: end of term grade processing reports, graduation information and audit forms, schedule adjustment/registration information, transcript requests, withdrawal forms, enrollment certification requests, confidentiality requests, CPE, Compass and Regents' exam score information.
- Upon application for admission, applicants are requested to complete an admissions
application and supply several types of information. Students must supply transcripts
from all institutions previously attended, SAT or ACT test scores, high school graduation
or GED information, and immunization records. This information is scanned and indexed
to the Banner Xtender management system. Students who apply but do not attend within
a year, will be required to complete a new application.
East Georgia State College Enrollment Management implemented the Document Application AppXtender Document Management System in spring 2010. The Scanning & Indexing Unit scanned and indexed all historical student folders formerly located in the Enrollment Management vault. The Office of Admissions, Records and Financial Aid have access to these historical records for future reference.
Hardcopies of student documents will be archived for a period of one semester in the order below:- documents received fall semester will be destroyed at the end of spring semester;
- documents received spring semester will be destroyed at the end of summer semester;
- documents received summer semester will be destroyed at the end of fall semester
- Student academic records prior to 2010 were retained and stored in the Enrollment Management vault. Historically, the Records Office produced a list of students who had not attended the institution for a period of 5 years. These folders were pulled, boxed, labeled by year, and forwarded to the student records archives, which is located in the auxiliary warehouse. This information is archived for a period of 5 additional years at which time, if the student has not returned, it will be destroyed. Students, who return following the transfer of the student folder information to archives, will have their folder returned to the Records Office to be scanned and indexed.
- Prior to summer Quarter 1997, academic history information was kept on permanent records cards. These records have been entered into our Banner Student Information System and the records are retained indefinitely until they are imaged to the AppXtender Document Management System.
- Instructors enter student final grades directly into the Banner Student Information System through their Banner Web accounts, which are electronically stored and retained indefinitely.
- The Records Office maintains a current list of graduates in AppXtender Management System along with degree audit information. This information is held indefinitely. This information is also recorded in the Banner Student Information System.
- Registration schedules are not currently being retained within the Records Office. The Banner Student Information System has within it an audit trail application which allows for tracking of student registration information. Schedule adjustment information on the Course Change Form (add-drop or withdrawals) are scanned and indexed in to the AppXtender Document Management System.
- By federal law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, students are granted full discretion for disclosure of their academic information to persons or entities other than themselves. Students have the option of requesting that no information, including what is considered directory information, be released to anyone other than themselves. We request students who choose this option, complete a Confidentiality Statement. This information is placed into the student's folder and kept until such time as the folder is destroyed. Banner Student Information System and the physical document is scanned and indexed into the AppXtender Document Management System for a permanent record. The physical paper form is destroyed according to the guidelines above.
- Past CPE and Regents’ Exam scores along with past and current Compass score information is scanned and indexed in AppXtender.
- Prior to fall Semester 1997, data generated for reporting purposes to the Board of Regents is kept in the vault. Since that time, this information is being stored electronically within this office.
- Upon application for admission, applicants are requested to complete an admissions
application and supply several types of information. Students must supply transcripts
from all institutions previously attended, SAT or ACT test scores, high school graduation
or GED information, and immunization records. This information is scanned and indexed
to the Banner Xtender management system. Students who apply but do not attend within
a year, will be required to complete a new application.
*NOTE: Beginning summer Quarter 1997, East Georgia State College implemented the student information system, Banner. All registration, academic history and graduation information is maintained within this student information system. Computer Services runs a daily backup at the end of each business day which is held for two weeks. This is a complete backup and can fully restore our student information system to operational order.