11.3 Wireless Network Access Policy

Scope of Policy

East Georgia State College utilizes multiple wireless network access points throughout the campus. These access points provide wireless connectivity to the campus network and allow for users' mobility while using the campus network. To help ensure the security of the campus network via wireless access points, the following guidelines must be followed:

Guidelines of Policy

    1. All campus wireless access points have authentication and/or encryption enabled.
    2. A "Faculty/Staff" wireless network and a "Student/Guest" wireless network have been created. For a user to be able to access the Faculty/Staff wireless network, the user must have an active, valid EGSC domain user account. However, user access via the Student/Guest wireless network is controlled using policies and firewall rules, which prevent Internet/network activities not permitted. The Campus Computer and Network Usage Policy as well as the Acceptable Use Policy lists the acceptable and unacceptable use of the campus network.
    3. Any user (faculty, staff, student or other parties) needing to connect a device via wireless network access shall first contact Information Technology in order for the device to be properly configured for accessing the campus network via wireless connection.
    4. Only wireless access points that have been purchased by East Georgia State College and configured by the College's Information Technology staff may be connected to the college's data network.