The purpose of the Calendar Committee is to review, create, maintain and provide an inclusive and cohesive calendar reflecting significant academic and campus events for East Georgia State College for all campuses. Its functions are to recommend members, policies and procedures as necessary to produce the most efficient and effective calendar and communication for an academic year, to plan for future academic years and events, and to make a recommendation to the President for its adoption. This committee meets at least once a semester to ensure timely and accurate planning of events and necessary changes for dissemination to the college community.
Members of the Committee:
- Chair, Registrar;
- Academic Affairs representative;
- Business Affairs representative;
- Information Technology representative;
- Director of Event Planning and Scheduling;
- Financial Aid representative;
- Admissions representative;
- Housing representative;
- Athletics representative;
- Student Life representative;
- EGSC – Statesboro representative; and
- EGSC – Augusta representative.