Purpose and Functions

The purpose and functions of the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) committee is to review and approve any request for credit awarded through review of equivalencies listed in the ACE National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training and/or a joint military services or ACE transcript, may also determine course equivalency for a select list of military and workforce experiences that meet EGSC policy criteria and consult faculty in the appropriate disciplines, as appropriate, when credit may be awarded through PLA for a course in their discipline. The PLA committee will annually review the record of credits awarded through PLA and make recommendations for the review of the policies, procedures, and award of credit, where deemed necessary.


    • Chair, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs;
    • Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences;
    • Dean of the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences;
    • Department of Biology Chair;
    • Department of Mathematics Chair;
    • Director of Nursing;
    • Director of Fire and Emergency Services Administration;
    • Criminal Justice Program Coordinator;
    • Director of Admissions;
    • Director of the Learning Commons;
    • Assistant Director of the Learning Commons for the Military Resource Center and Athletic Advisement;
    • Registrar; and
    • Faculty military mentors on external campuses.