Purpose and Functions
The purpose and functions of the committee are to provide planning coordination and oversight of major campus programs and events. The committee coordinates with academic affairs and other college units and organizations to deliver memorable intellectual programs and events. For major events such as commencement, convocation and Vision Series events, the committee’s work is accomplished with the assistance of a subcommittee co-chair who provides respective expertise and experience for each such program and event. The committee recommends policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose.
- Chair, Vice President for Institutional Advancement;
- Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs or designee;
- Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police;
- Faculty Senate representative;
- Student Affairs representative;
- IT representative;
- Library representative;
- Two faculty representatives elected by the faculty; and
- Student appointed by SGA
Academic and Student Affairs Subcommittees and Co-chairs
- Commencement - Registrar, Provost
- Convocation - Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Institutional Advancement Subcommittees and Co-chairs
- Vision Series - Vice President for Institutional Advancement; EGSC Foundation member, President