*This committee was formerly known as the Athletic Academic Integrity Oversight Committee. The name, purpose, function and membership of the committee changed effective 8/11/17. For historical information on the Athletic Academic Integrity Oversight Committee, see EGSC Statutes dated 12/20/16 on the EGSC Policies and Procedures - Archives Page. The works of the committee are included below.*

Purpose and Functions

The Academic Integrity Oversight Committee monitors student grades and enrollment patterns and reports any unusual patterns to the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. The committee is also charged to recommend policies, procedures, practices and processes as necessary to ensure academic integrity and Academic Affairs instructional and academic services. The Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs has direct responsibility for implementing recommendations and reports of the committee. The Chair will be elected by the Committee membership.


    • Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences;
    • Dean of the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences;
    • Director of eLearning;
    • Director of Athletics;
    • One Humanities faculty member elected by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences;
    • One Mathematics faculty member elected by the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences;
    • One Social Sciences faculty member elected by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences;
    • One representative from the Academic Center for Excellence (selected by the Director of the Learning Commons); and
    • One representative from Academic Advising (selected by the Director of the Learning Commons).

Works of the Athletic Academic Integrity Oversight Committee

Works of the Academic Integrity Oversight Committee

    • None at this time