Purpose and Functions

The purpose of the AAMI Committee is to assure that the AAMI program is effective and follows the guidelines regarding the goals and objectives set forth by the University System of Georgia AAMI Initiative. The committee functions will include two major components:

    1. to provide representation, guidance, oversight and information dissemination to the College concerning the AAMI program as needed; and
    2. to investigate and develop fund raising opportunities to support the mission of the AAMI program.


    • Chair, AAMI Program Director;
    • Associate Vice President for Executive Affairs;
    • Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs;
    • A faculty or staff member from each campus; faculty members elected by faculty at each campus and staff member(s) appointed by Chair;
    • Director of Student Life;
    • AAMI Program Coordinator EGSC Statesboro;
    • AAMI Program Coordinator EGSC Augusta;
    • One AAMI participant; and
    • Representative from the Emanuel County Board of Education, ex officio member.

Works of the Committee